How to Tend to Your Gifts

How to Tend to Your Gifts

I am a writer.

Many times I have to remind myself that I should say “I am a writer” as opposed to saying “I write.” The latter implies a hobby and the former portrays an identity.

My mother, my friends, and even acquaintances find ways to either encourage or acknowledge my writing. They read, comment, and praise or at times criticize my words and thoughts. I am grateful for these interactions as they remind me that when I write, my words do not just go into an empty void. It’s comforting.

Despite the affirmation I receive from others about my writing, often times my biggest obstacle is myself. Am I writing too little? Am I writing horrible topics? Is my writing even good?

It’s funny how even with the belief that writing is a talent I was blessed with and meant to do, I still struggle with the identity of it. What the weight of being a writer means, not only to the world, but to myself. To get to the point, I’ve been struggling creatively these past few weeks, and I know a lot of that has to do with circumstances outside of my mind. A few days ago I was scrolling on social media and someone said something along the lines of “the worst thing to do is to not tend to your gifts.” I am paraphrasing and honestly forgot who wrote it, so just to make it clear, I didn’t come up with the inspiration of this post.

Nonetheless, the phrase made me stop. I kept reading and the writer said that not tending to a gift is the worst thing to do because the gift then becomes a waste. Immediately I thought of my writing, because as much as I have yet to internally step into the self identification of being a writer, I know that I have a way with words and that is a gift bestowed upon me.

This quote made me mentally whip myself into shape! I thought what a disservice I am doing to myself to not nurture my gift and help it reach it’s highest heights. A gift is given to many people, but if you don’t cater to it, tend it, or help it grow, well that gift will stay stagnant.

As November comes in and a new year approaches for me, it is important that I cater to my gifts because after all, who knows where I will end up next?

* cover photo taken by me in Central Park 2017

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