Do Soul Mates Exist?

Do Soul Mates Exist?

The other day my friend asked me if I believe in soul mates.

Now over the span of my adult life and especially during late nights in college, I have been asked this question multiple times. Each time my answer evolves but, for the most part I’m consistent with my thoughts.

Do I believe soul mates exist?

Yes, but....

Who am I, if I am not challenging a thought that has been provided to us by the world we live in? Let me start from the beginning of my thought process…

I believe in souls. I believe that there is an energy, a being within you that is your true essence. Some people who believe in God call it your spirit, a gift, or an anointing from God. Some people call it your aura. Some people call it your vibe. For me I think your soul is all of these things.

Your personality is a manifestation of your soul. Who you present yourself as, how you show love, your compassion, and your mind is your way of showing the world everyday parts of your soul.

Because you present parts of your soul, there are people in this world who can become friends of it, allowing you to reveal more of your soul in intimate moments. According to society, everyone gets one soulmate, just one person made for you in this world and it’s often in romantic relationships that soulmates manifest.

I think that definition is very limiting of the human capacity to express and feel emotion. Only one person in this entire world?

No way. Statistically speaking, that just doesn't make any sense. With all the people in this world and the challenges that are presented in life, I think it would be cruel if only one person could become connected to our soul. There has to be many people we could connect with.

Emotionally and mentally speaking, how is it possible that we are able to love so many people, but only get one soulmate? We love our family and our friends and that often is way more than just one or two people. How can we stretch the parameters of familial and platonic love to include more people over the years as we get older? Yet, we only have room to love one person in a fulfilling way? Part of me think that logic is flawed.

Which leads me to believe that perhaps we all have multiple soulmates. People we come across in life and feel deeply connected to. People we believe who understand us. People who make us feel at ease and at home.

The human mind is ever changing, so doesn't that mean we have the capability of being connected to multiple people at different points in our lives?

And if we do in fact have more than one soulmate, who is to say your friends can’t be your soul mates? I think a friend can be at one with your soul.

I believe soul mates exist and they challenge the concept of time and love continuously. They enter each of our lives in a very special and unique way. And just because we have multiple, doesn't mean their entry is any less special! Think of all the things that had to happen to get you where you are in this very moment. Think about how at any point had you decided to go on a different street, school, or party, your entire life would be different. If you recognize that and see how important each moment is, you would realize how unique each one of your soulmates are to you. 

The beauty of meeting someone and clicking with them is wonderful. The idea of the relationship just working in the way it feels like it should, is a beautiful moment. A soulmate is a gift for a moment in time, and our number one wish is to be able to recognize when you have encountered a friend of your soul. 

Love is so encompassing and nuanced, but sometimes we spend too much time on the idea that it is only romantic love that will complete us. That is not true at all. It is a combination of all the different types of love in this world that complete you. 

Soulmates without a doubt exist and I would love to hear all your ideas on the concept of a soulmate. Did I get it totally wrong? Let me know! 


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