Chapter Twenty-Three (Birthday Edition)

Chapter Twenty-Three (Birthday Edition)

November 10th, 2017. 

I've had this website for almost six months now and I love it so much. It's like my child.

So how fitting is it, that my birthday falls on a Friday, the day that I post on my website!

Today I will keep things light, since last week's post was heavy and because it's my birthday! 

I present you with a list, 

Twenty-Three Things I Think Are Very Important (in no particular order): 

  1. Chips. I love crunchy things, and would take a chip over a piece of cake any day! (I'm still going to eat cake today and this weekend if it's offered to me) 
  2. Fall/Winter weather. I know you people who love summer are shaking your heads right now, but I love the clothes I can wear during this time. Also, who doesn't love holiday season? 
  3. Children. They are so important, so smart, so honest, and even when they're annoying, they are still cute! 
  4. The color red. I adore it. Wear it way too often. Keep buying things in red. Never get enough of it. 
  5. RIHANNA. (there is nothing more for me to say) 
  7. Thigh high boots. Booties. Tall boots. Uggs. Timberlands. All boots basically. 
  8. Writing. This is an obvious one, but writing has been very consistent in my life. My true love. 
  9. Friendship. I love my friends and they bring me a lot of joy. 
  10. Books. Before I became a writer, I was a reader. A book has always allowed me to travel and experience new things. 
  11. Makeup. I love makeup, I love playing with different colors and enhancing my beauty in cool ways. It's fun and very empowering for everyone.
  12. Kindness. To everyone, not just the people you think "matter." Show kindness to the janitor the same way you would show kindness to a CEO. It's important. 
  13. Sweaters! I freaking love sweaters. They are great and cozy and make an outfit pop! 
  14. Honesty. Sometimes being really honest rubs people the wrong way, but it also makes people respect me as well. 
  15. Respect. One of the things I always remember my mom saying is, "You don't have to like me, but you to respect me." It's a fact. Live by it people. 
  16. Justice. In every regard of the word. Justice for all the inequalities in the world. 
  17. Success. Not just monetary wise, but success in the sense of fulfillment. Do you feel fulfilled in what you are doing? This is a life long question.
  18. Love. There is so much that can be said. But yeah, love is really important. 
  19. French fries. I loveeeeeeee french fries. All types of french fries make me happy. 
  20. FOOD. 
  21. People who walk at a decent pace on the street. Nothing makes me more upset than when I walk behind some slow walking people. People who walk at a good pace are important in my book. I know it's petty, but hey, everyone has their thing. 
  22. New York City. I've been to a lot of other cities, and my birthplace still holds the number one spot. 
  23. Learning. For everything I've learned in these past twenty-three years and for everything that I will learn in the next twenty-three years. Life-long learning. I'm excited for what the future holds. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a great weekend! 

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