Freedom of Your Speech

Freedom of Your Speech

The Columbia University Republicans are inviting two alt-right white nationalists (racists) to the university to speak. These two men, of which I will not waste my time writing their names, spew hateful rhetoric. According to the Columbia Spectator, which is the university's student ran paper, the CU Republicans are making an effort to challenge the safe spaces and echo chamber of thoughts on campus. 

I know that if I was still a student, my phone would have buzzed the moment that article was published. I would have been in a meeting with the rest of the Black Students' Organization (BSO) executive board and we would be making plans. I am sure these very things are happening as I write this, but now removed from college, these things don't have the same effect on me. 

Don't get me wrong, I think its absolutely ridiculous that two people who spew hate are supposed to be coming on campus to challenge safe spaces and echo chambers. I think it absolutely ridiculous that the republicans on campus are allowing themselves to be associated with this thinking. I think its absolutely ridiculous that two men who themselves create echo chambers, in which they can be affirmed, are trying to challenge students who face prejudice and racism. I think they want attention. 

All of this under the guise of free speech. The government says it is okay to say whatever you want to say in America without government intervention. Its the first amendment. In fact, Donald Trump exercised this right so well that he became a part of the government. People are supporting the white nationalists who caused a riot in Charlottesville, because they had a right to say what they felt. 

Just in case some white nationalist (racist) is reading this, don't get it twisted, the law only protects government intervention for freedom of speech. You can still lose your job and position from your private employer. Just a reminder. 😊

The freedom of speech argument only applies when its beneficial to the person or group using it. White nationalists (racists) are allowed to practice freedom of speech and support it because it benefits them to say they have the right to be hateful. Now this is usually the part where someone ignorant to the ills and systems of white supremacy, would say, "Well what about when black people say things?! Sometimes they say all white people are racists!"

When the rhetoric that black people or people of color say, incites domestic and international violence for centuries, then maybe I will accept that argument. 

As someone who is no longer on campus, when I heard about the Republicans' guest speakers, I let out an exasperated sigh. I know that is me coming from a place of privilege, because I will not be subjected to the words of the men. But freedom of speech is so conflated, I don't believe these men deserve the attention. We know what the truth is, they are racist, xenophobic, sexist, and anything else you can think. Their presence is not to challenge anyone, its to continue this trend of being outwardly racist because its acceptable nowadays. 

Yesterday, I was listening to my favorite podcast called Hidden Brain. Its on NPR and is ran by this psychologist, Shankar Vedantam. Every week he tackles something that has to do with the mind, and asks questions like why do humans do what we do? What are our motivators and do we recognize them? He has episodes on casual sex, hidden biases, making decisions, social media, and a wide range of topics. This week, his episode was on freedom of speech. Perfect timing for what has been occurring in America the past year or so (aka forever). With Donald Trump in office, hate crimes have spiked, white nationalists (racists/nazis) are proudly walking outside, and people are proclaiming their racism. The hushed nature of racism that was prevalent, is now changing. People aren't hiding their racism, but still secretly acting on their biases (thats how racism was still alive during a black presidency). Instead, people are expressing their racism and acting on it. That's the difference.

On the podcast, Chris Crandall who is a researcher at University of Kansas did a study where he questioned people about free speech. He did this during Trump's campaign and a few weeks after he won, and the results are telling. He says that, "People pull out free speech when they're defending racist speech, but not when they're defending simply aggressive, or negative speech."

Hmmm. He then goes on to say that the freedom of speech argument is inconsistent and people use it to support their own biases. Crandall proves that people are "so called" more racist today, because they see that nothing bad happened to Donald Trump. Like an experiment, Crandall mentions during the podcast, children do bad things if they see others get away with it. Adults are the same way. 

White nationalists and the Columbia University Republicans are doing what they see others getting away with. They aren't challenging anyone, they are being rabble rousers. I know this is not a popular opinion but, they don't deserve this attention. This isn't a slow year in terms of issues that need to be tackled on college campuses, and these republicans need to go somewhere. Let them attempt to break the spaces that have cultivated our voices...they won't succeed. 

Because the truth of the matter is that freedom of speech supports racism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, and the list goes on. The Columbia Republicans inviting their speakers, have made it clear where they stand and when its time to go to the frontline, we know where they will be. 

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment, I know this a controversial topic so lets continue it. I am open to some healthy discussion.  
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