Back To Reality

Back To Reality

Hello people. I hope Friday is treating y'all well. I am back and better than ever! Sorry I am in a real corny mood right now as I write this, so get ready for some jokes! I thought it would be smart to just make this return post casual and talk about whats been going on in my life and the world. Then next week I will go back to being serious.

I present you with a list,

Things that Have Happened to Me (and the World) in the Two Weeks Y'all Barely Noticed I Was Gone:

  • If you have read my other work, you would know I was having some heart issues. Those are still kinda happening but not as severe, so perhaps it was stress. We still don't know. I have been doing breathing exercises and stuff. Trying to be zen. I will let you know if it works. 
  • Taylor Swift is making new music and I really am mad at myself for not appreciating the silence we had from her. Like really mad. I am so ungrateful.
  • I am very very (not really) shocked Kim Kardashian condones racism for the sake of makeup. Truly shocked. (If you want more info just google Jeffree Star)
What? Kim Kardashian is not aware of racism? 

What? Kim Kardashian is not aware of racism? 


  • North Korea keeps shooting missiles and the history nut in me is shaking, cause North Korea will pop off if need be. Like yes, I know Kim Jong-un is being a lot but, I am not ready to pay for the sins of old white men in regards to that country. Can someone just please invite the president to a state dinner? He just wants attention. Also someone call Japan and tell them not to fire off at North Korea because, we don't have time for World War Three.
  • On a serious note, Hurricane Harvey hit the Houston area earlier this week and my heart has been heavy thinking about all that were affected. Of course, when natural disasters occur I always think about how black people and POC (people of color) are always disproportionately left dead, hurt, or homeless. Which leads me to acknowledge environmental damage in poor neighborhoods and how it benefits white republicans to say climate change is not real. Understand that caring for the environment is never just a white thing, it is a movement that greatly affects POC. Look up trash dumps and poisonous areas and you do not have to go far to find POC. Hurricanes are natural disasters, but the aftermath is so political and so fraught, its a shame its still occurring. 
  • On a vain note, I stopped wearing makeup for a whole week because someone said I had flawless skin and this is really an excuse for y'all to give me more compliments. 
  • THIS ONE IS REALLY IMPORTANT: I saw Solange and as you guessed I am a COMPLETELY different person. A. Changed. Human. I also saw Sampha and that warmed my heart so much that my heart issues (see the first bullet point) started flaring up again. 
  • On the topic of music, Daniel Caesar dropped an album called Freudian and I have made a lot of people I know listen to it. Everyone has agreed with me in saying that it is a truly beautiful album of songs. 
Freudian Album Cover

Freudian Album Cover


  • The main picture of this post was taken two weekends ago and I have yet to look that good since. Can we find me more clothes in that color? I need a group effort here. 
  • Joel Osteen and Donald are trash (reference Hurricane Harvey)
  • I went to Cheesecake Factory for the first time and now I get why Drake is a huge fan.
  • Rihanna is still beautiful as ever and we still do not deserve her.
  • Charlottesville, Virginia. I have a lot of feelings and a post will be dedicated to them. This bullet is not enough space for the rant in my head. Just know white supremacy is alive and thriving.
  • I am stuck on the train as I edit this so the MTA still sucks.
  • I forgot Labor Day is this weekend, so of course I have none of the fun plans y'all do, but I am accepting invites (and bc I am me, will probably decline).
  • Finally, I am back to posting regularly so get used to this. This time around I want suggestions! If there is anything you would like me to write about please let me know. You can comment below or hit me up on various mediums. I am open to all ideas and will of course give you a shoutout if your idea intrigues me! 

Thank you for reading! Words Are Things is back on the road! See you next week! 

Freedom of Your Speech

Freedom of Your Speech

The Speciality of Clothes

The Speciality of Clothes