The Normality of Relationships

As I sat there, I wondered if she too, was told as a child that a boy being mean to you meant he liked you. I started thinking about how many women were still encountering this, a man being mean to her, for the sake of a love that she just had to wait on.

The Complexity of Beauty

So when I got into college, I started to care less about my appearance. I figured I was smart, so who cares if I'm not pretty? My brain is going to get me ahead. And sure enough when I did that, I got.....pretty. 

The Fuctionality of Sex

The bright white lights blinded me as I tried to figure out which door was his. I got there and text him, not wanting to knock and risk the awkwardness of seeing one of his suitemates, most likely the one I knew.

The Lucidity of Love

To think that there could be loves that open you, wound you, and heal you all at once. It sounds so impossible and terrifying that its easy to run. I've ran. Many times. Sometimes I think I'm still running.